
Wakatake-Kan Camp 2024
第1回 北米 若竹館本部御殿手トレーニングキャンプ
1st Annual North American Motobu Udunti Training Camp
Wakatake Kan held a three day basic training camp from 30 August -1 September 2024 at the Island resort on Okaloosa Island, Florida. Participants came from as far as Puerto Rico and Rhode Island to learn about Choyu Motobu, Uehara Seikichi, and to get a taste in the art of Motobu Udunti. Day 1 covered a presentation detailing history, lineage, body mechanics, and Udunti fundamentals. On Day 2, the students practiced at the beach from 0500-0900 working on posture, walking, beach runs, kihon lines and kata. The curriculum followed the same schedule and style as Sunset Beach training in Okinawa. In afternoon the students were instructed on basic Udunti Bo followed by an Okinawan cultural dinner social. On Day 3, the students demonstrated Motode 1, Motode 2, Kasshindi 3, and Kasshinbo as a capstone to include basic unarmed kihon and Bo kihon lines. Participants received a Basic Training Camp certificate. There is much enthusiasm to participate in next years annual camp which will be held from 29-31 August 2025 at the Island Resort